Taking on Thirty

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My annual birthday post. There are a few times in the year that I am really stuck for words, If you have ever been in a meeting with me before you will know that I do live up to my 'Chatty- Kathy' name... lol. This time I really am lost for words. I technically had 12 days to think about my birthday because most people don't start thinking about their day until the month hits, so 12 days to think about being Thirty and this is what I have come up with:

1. 29 is DEFINITELY worse than 30. 29 is the END of an era, 30 is a new beginning with hopefully less embarrassing mistakes...

2. Taking care of your body and health has never been more important. It is true, doughnuts for breakfast is now replaced with wheatgrass shots and morning stretches...
3. Being presentable is not just for work and dates. There is something to be said about someone who looks polished, even on a Sunday. ( if you have mastered that before the age of 30 you are ahead of the game)
4. Somehow makeup has become part of my regular routine. My eyelash curler and lipgloss has turned in to a whole bag of stuff that I honestly don't know if I am using properly.

Last but not least >

5. I have crossed over...  I am lucky that #nerd is still trending;)

I promise I will get back to knitting soon there are TONS of awesome projects/events coming up and I will most definitely share my progress!!!p>

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